Friday, August 15, 2008

The Begining..........

In the first chapter of the Bible, God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds; livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals each according to its kind.' ...... And God saw that it was good. Yes, indeed, everything was good in the begining until men sin.

So many times wishes were conveyed and prayers were answered, yet our sinful nature never stops us from having worries and doubts. We are unsure if decision was made correctly or was it the right way which God wants us to pursue. Let us just be thankful of what we have from God.

To all guests who visit my blog, may you be happy everyday............

Note: For a brief description on how this cake was done, please visit here.


Little Corner of Mine said...

This cake looks so fun to create! This is definitely a "boy" cake! LOL!

~Ling~ said...

Woot~ Creative! For one moment I tot the dinosaurs are made from fondant till I read further (^^,)