Sunday, December 2, 2007

New Year Resolution

It's Sabbath day today, it also marks the first Sunday of the last month of 2007. Time flies, I have been abondoning my webpage for about a year since I decided to become a full time cake decorating instructor. At times, it could be heartbreaking seeing the webpage and forum which I have been running since 2003 being set aside, untaken care of. However, my greatest joy at this point is probably being able to do something I really enjoy doing. Well, that's life I guess; you have to sacrifice something in order to achieve another.
Went to bed pretty early last night. Was terribly tired after a long day work. (Yes, I do occasionally need to work on Sunday). Hubby talked to me in my dream, 'I thought you said one of your 2008 new year's resolutions was to sleep less everyday, get up earlier and get more things done?' We both burst into laughter. Yes, indeed, it is my resolution to make more things happen in 2008.

2008 New Year's Resolutions

  • Sleep earlier and get up earlier (sounds easy but yet so difficult to achieve)
  • Spend more time with hubby and Jeriel
  • Have more luncheons with girl friends. No more work comes first.
  • Spend at least one hour daily on reading technical information on baking and cake decorating (not recipes)
  • Be consistent in planning the family's weekly menu so that I won't be clueless when doing marketing and grocery shopping
  • Try out new recipes instead of keep repeating the same dishes
  • Publish at least 3 recipes per week on website and/or blog
  • Bake/cook breakfast. No more store bought stuff.
  • Save enough money to treat mom and dad a good overseas trip
  • Attend good baking courses from well-known chefs. Life is a never ending process of learning.

How about yours? Good luck in planning your new year's resolutions.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo

Truely happy to chance upon your new blog. Been refering to your other websites too.

Thanks for all the tips.


Jo said...

Thanks ebake. How have you been? Same old me here. Having full time job and a 2.5 year old to juggle, can only manage to make simple stuff nowadays. You take care and drop by frequently ok?